Category: Station

KG6TT On the Move

KG6TT’s QTH is about to change. After nearly six years in Fairfield, California it is time to pull up stakes… err rather take down antennas… once again. The new QTH is located in Clearlake California, Lake County. Its a shrink-down process going from a fairly spacious home with a nicely laid out Antenna garden (see’s KG6TT listing) to collage living and a correspondingly smaller back yard.

Once again I have been able to dodge the HOA eighth level of hel* situation that so many have to contend with. While I doubt my tower and quad-band yagi will find a spot to roust, I will have space to erect my trusty GAP Titan vertical and a Cushcraft MA5B mini-yagi. I may even be able to toss some wire up in the trees. First thing first! Got to get there.

I’ll be moving the first week of March. My antennas are already down and I’m in the midst of packing, packing, and more packing…

73, Jerry